xargs always confuses me
I have always had the hardest time working with xargs. I usually end up with a bash foreach loop and some backticks instead. But it really is cleaner to be able to specify a pipe from the generating command.
I had a situation recently where I had added some code to a PERL script that I was trying to understand. I added some File::Temp code to dump incoming variables and the current environment. I just used /tmp as my template directory since it was always guaranteed to be there and I didn't want to have even more code to create and maintain a new sub-directory. Wow, that is lazy. Anyway, I ended up with a bunch of /tmp/?????????? files, so I needed a quick way to grab all my files from temp and move them to a sub-directory for review. xargs was the perfect solution here, AND (drum roll) I actually got it to do what I needed it to do:
I had a situation recently where I had added some code to a PERL script that I was trying to understand. I added some File::Temp code to dump incoming variables and the current environment. I just used /tmp as my template directory since it was always guaranteed to be there and I didn't want to have even more code to create and maintain a new sub-directory. Wow, that is lazy. Anyway, I ended up with a bunch of /tmp/?????????? files, so I needed a quick way to grab all my files from temp and move them to a sub-directory for review. xargs was the perfect solution here, AND (drum roll) I actually got it to do what I needed it to do:
which looks at all the files with 10 character names, looks for my generating cgi filename and then moves that file to the sub-directory. Yeah, so it is unix 010, but I'm happy.cd /tmp/1mkdir /tmp/1fgrep -l dudeatwork.cgi ?????????? | xargs -I {} mv {} 1
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