subversion and revision tags, first pass

Always being a wanna-be programmer, I'm only now learning development tools.
Subversion is cool in itself, but when I was just starting with it a few months ago I wasn't googling tags correctly and only found parts about how cvs tags didn't work.
Inspired today, I decided to search again and found the right information this time.

For me a compressed tag with date, rev #, and id are good enough.  So all I had to do to get this working was to add a line in my PERL script under a comment:
and then change the svn property for the affected files with:
svn propset svn:keywords Id lib/*
now when I commit files, they automatically get updated with the latest tag.
There are other more useful settings but this was my little discovery for today.  Since I'm forced to work under winblows and that means I have to use Cygwin to be productive at all, I haven't explored how to make this the default yet.


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