
Showing posts from October, 2015

funionfs on Fedora 21 with Steam games under Codeweavers Crossover

I have multiple steam accounts, each has full rights to the Borderlands games.  The problem with this setup is that each steam account has a full, multi-gigabyte common directory.  Using a single directory doesn't work as each Steam account makes some minor modifications to the downloaded files -- I'm assuming but don't know -- that this is related to copy protection. In any case, I am exploring using funionfs to allow I big directory and several small directories for the installed games. I name my steam bottles Steam021, Steam022, etc. Steam021 has the unadulterated full game installation. Under Steam022, I moved common to common.before.  Then I created common and commonrw. Finally  I mounted the funionfs directory under Steam022 like so sudo funionfs -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o allow_other -o dirs=\ "/home/gamer/.cxoffice/Steam021/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common"=RO:\ "/home/gamer/.cxoffice/Steam022/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/steamapps

How to load balance across 2 ISPs with non-portable address space and cisco ip cef

This is a highly munged working version: ! ip cef load-sharing algorithm original ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 description internal to FIREWALL ip address RFC.ADDR.2.1 ip nat inside ip policy route-map pbr-routed-servers negotiation auto cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 description ISP2 internet connection bandwidth 300000 ip address ISP2.RANGE.210 no ip unreachables ip nat outside ip access-group inbound-ISP2-filter-20151001-01 in negotiation auto ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/5 description ISP1 internet connection bandwidth 250000 ip address ISP1.RANGE.194 no ip unreachables ip nat outside ip access-group inbound-ISP1-filter-20151001-01 in negotiation auto ! ip local policy route-map pbr-router-traffic ! ip nat pool ISP2-pool ISP2.RANGE.4 ISP2.RANGE.7 prefix-length 26 ip nat pool ISP1-pool ISP1.RANGE.196 ISP1.RANGE.199 prefix-length 26 ! ip nat inside source static RFC.ADDR.1.16 ISP1.RANGE.207 ip nat