My first stab at: Unreal Engine 4 and Linux Gaming

I have almost no time these days but I am desperately interested in learning UE4 and especially excited to see how far I can get writing and playing a game in Linux.
I have poked at a few books through Safari but finally settled on buying a course from udemy to help jump start my learning.

So far I have a working UE4 Editor and have done some playing with blueprint.  The next step with be trying to something in C++ to work.

Starting here:
I have  working UE4 Editor.  It is going to be interesting adapting the course work which is on Microsoft to work under my Xubuntu desktop.
I'll try to record the more memorable steps in this blog.

Codelite looks like a  good IDE for use with UE4.  I installed it (sudo apt-get install codelite codelite-plugins).  Next using as a reference I'm editing Engine/Config/Linux/LinuxEngine.ini and setting PreferredAccessor=CodeLiteSourceCodeAccessor

Additionally since I am using Xubuntu, I'm changing the window grabbing key from Alt to Super, as per

Modify xdg-open config so that codelite opens code:  vim ~/.config/mimeapps.list
Even after this update, UE4 might not open the workspace with codelite because the associated mime type(s) might not exist.

Sadly that didn't complete the mime association work.  I borked my desktop trying to add a system level.  Luckily I could  restore /usr/share from backups.

I'll just deal with the fact that editor will create a new project workspace and it will open in mousepad.  I then  have to restart the UE4 editor to open.  This bugs me but I'm going to leave this as a TODO.

We use Perforce at work and have a sandbox depot I can put my test code it.  Using this   as guide to set my environment.
Between the online course and this reference, I'm going to commit:

Further in the lecture, these directories were identified as being re-creatable.  First close out codelite and the unreal editor.  Then you can whack:
Restart Unreal Engine.  It should ask about recompiling some missing things.  I always like to choose File -> Refresh an IDE to edit Source Code Project.  Then finally, File -> Open an IDE to open source code.

I'll do this when my system gets weird, or I am switching between Linux build boxes and I'm not sure of the intermediate state.

UnrealCourse Section 04 BattleTank notes
The instructor is using a combination of SourceTree and Github.  Seeing as I used perforce for Section 03 and still not using SourceTree for 04, though I am trying Github, I had to do some reading on git.
I cloned my new github repo locally with
git clone

I also turned on some color options for git
git config --global color.diff auto
git config --global color.status auto
git config --global color.branch auto

I found this a helpful primer on git for non-git'ers

git pull
git commit -a
git push


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