PERL and Anonymous Hashes and Debugging

PERL has a seemingly infinite number of libraries out there.  One that I find extremely helpful and which I just happened to stumble upon is the Data::Dumper one.  For anyone that has used Perl references and anonymous hashes, you know how tough debugging can be.   But Data::Dumper is so cool.  Just use the library and then print the main reference to see the whole tree:

use Data::Dumper;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use strict;

my ($masterHash);

$masterHash = {};
while ( defined($nextline=) )
        chomp ($nextline);
        if ( $nextline =~ m/^[A-Za-z]+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+\[\d+\]\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+):(.*)$/ )
                $HOST = $1;
                $COMPONENT = $2;
                $RESTOFLINE = $3;
                $HOST = lc($HOST);
                $COMPONENT = lc($COMPONENT);
                if ( $RESTOFLINE =~ m/\s+\[\w+\]\s+\[\d+\]\s+([0-9])\s+:\s+Interval\s+([0-9]+):\s+([0-9]+)\s+flows.*CO,\s+([0-9]+)\s+OF/ )
                        $PHASE = $1;
                        $INTERVAL = $2;
                        $FLOWS = $3;
                        $OVERFLOW = $4;
                        $masterHash->{$INTERVAL}->{$COMPONENT}->{$PHASE}->{"FLOWS"} = $FLOWS;
                        $masterHash->{$INTERVAL}->{$COMPONENT}->{$PHASE}->{"OVERFLOWS"} = $OVERFLOW;
#                        print "$HOST\t$COMPONENT\t$PHASE\t$INTERVAL\t$FLOWS\t$OVERFLOW\n";
                elsif ( $RESTOFLINE =~ m/\s+\[\w+\]\s+:\s+Interval\s+([0-9]+):\s+([0-9]+)\s+flows.*CO,\s+([0-9]+)\s+OF/ )
                        $PHASE = 0;
                        $INTERVAL = $1;
                        $FLOWS = $2;
                        $OVERFLOW = $3;
                        $masterHash->{$INTERVAL}->{$COMPONENT}->{$PHASE}->{"FLOWS"} = $FLOWS;
                        $masterHash->{$INTERVAL}->{$COMPONENT}->{$PHASE}->{"OVERFLOWS"} = $OVERFLOW;
#                        print "$HOST\t$COMPONENT\t$PHASE\t$INTERVAL\t$FLOWS\t$OVERFLOW\n";
            print "Failed to match ($nextline)\n";
        print  "Failed to match ($nextline)\n";
print Dumper($masterHash);


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