
Showing posts from December, 2015

devilspie2 window sizing control

The devilspie2  utility is really awesome.  Primarily I use it to keep my browser windows in place and at the right size for my screens.  Caution, these settings are for 4k monitors. Firefox is tricky because I want my compose windows for OWA to be small but I don't get a lot of window information from Firefox. I use separate configuration for google-chrome and that makes it convenient to ID the right window. -- debug_print command does only print anything to stdout -- if devilspie2 is run using the --debug option debug_print("----------------------------------------------------------") debug_print("Window Name:                  " .. get_window_name()); debug_print("Application name:             " .. get_application_name()); debug_print("get_window_geometry():        " .. get_window_geometry()); debug_print("get_window_client_geometry(): " .. get_window_client_geometry());...

Xubuntu on an HP z420

This is my primary work computer. I recently decided to switch from Fedora to Xubuntu. I still like Fedora, but we are using more Ubuntu at work and I need to get myself more familiar with that way of doing things. I am copying a lot of the configuration that I did with my Sager NP9758 laptop configuration. After updating an rebooting, I enabled the Nvidia binary drivers and Intel binary blob. Next step let's get google chrome on here as well as firefox wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta Apparently installing beta Google Chrome results in a second apt source being created. This causes an error when running `sudo apt-get update`. To fix `sudo v...