Google Reader and OPML
I am a big fan of and its job search aggregation functions. I usually keep RSS links in my Google reader profile. I like to search based on geography and I use a number of keyword searches. Once you get to more than a couple of jobs links, updating them can be a bit tedious. But luckily Google has a nice way to Import and Export through OPML formatted files. I am no expert on OPML, but using an export of my current RSS feeds I was able to piece together a quick and dirty little PERL script to generate a batch of update RSS feeds. This script is really basic, I just hard coded the input strings and locations, but for 5 minutes it did the job fine. I merged the output of this script to the downloaded OPML file from Google Reader and then reimported. Due to how the blog interprets stuff, I had to add some backslashes, which need to be removed before this will actually work. Basically you need to s/<\\/ --------CODE BEGIN----- #...